Parmesan+Herb Popcorn

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For a person who enjoys cooking, I rarely watch cooking shows. Part of it is because 98% of the time they’re not cooking vegan-friendly food, but the other part is because I’ve been on a home improvement + Grey’s Anatomy (or any doctor show really) kick lately and the cooking shows always fail to compete.

Parmesan+Herb Popcorn

About a month ago I was watching Tia Mowry’s cooking show. I hadn’t heard of it before, but I was automatically intrigued because I used to LOVE Tia & Tamera growing up.

Anything that had to do with them, I was all ears! Even though I still can’t tell them apart (I know one has a mole and the other doesn’t, but I don’t know which one has the mole lol),  I still enjoy watching them throughout their careers and every now and then I watch clips every now and then of The Real (with Tamera).

On this particular episode, Tia was preparing for a night with the girls. I don’t remember everything she made, but her Parmesan herb popcorn caught my attention! Her version wasn’t vegan, but I figured this would be fun to veganize. Have I ever mentioned how much I love popcorn?! If not, I’m saying it now. I looooove popcorn!

Parmesan+Herb Popcorn

Once upon a time ago I purchased the Herbs+Spices popcorn from Trader Joe’s. Y’all know how much I love TJ’s, but I have to say… I was disappointed. It didn’t have as much flavor as I’d hoped for, so I decided to stick with their organic popcorn with olive oil from then on.

I’m happy to report that this Parmesan+herb popcorn hit the spot! I cooked it in my dutch oven (also great for making chili)! It’s perfectly seasoned and tastes amazing! Not to mention, it’s easy to put together!

But I will warn, it can get a little dangerous… I got popped in the face by a hot kernel and it wasn’t so pretty. I’m being dramatic. It didn’t leave a mark, but it sure felt like it did! So take my advice and don’t get too antsy and open up the lid too soon. The popcorn might come flying out!

Parmesan+Herb Popcorn

If you’re in need of a snack, you’ll definitely want to give this parmesan herb popcorn a try! You could even use it as part of this vegan charcuterie board! Let me know what you think in the comments below!

PS- I may or may not have eaten majority of this parmesan herb popcorn in one sitting…

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Parmesan+Herb Popcorn

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Servings 4



  • In a large pot over medium heat, add in 2 tbsp of olive oil along with 3-4 kernels of popcorn and place lid on top. These will be your test kernels.
  • While waiting for the test kernels to pop, mix together the vegan Parmesan and the rest of the seasonings in a small bowl.
  • Once the test kernels have popped, remove them from the pot and add in the 1/2 cup of kernels and cover with the lid. The kernels should begin popping soon after. Shake the pot every minute or so to move the kernels around and to keep them from burning.
  • Once the kernels have slowed down, crack open the lid carefully, then quickly transfer to a large bowl (try to avoid getting popped in the face by a flying kernel!).
  • Once the popcorn is in the large bowl add in 1 tbsp of olive oil and the seasoning blend, cover, then shake to blend (it may help to transfer from one large bowl to another a few times to help mix).
  • Once the popcorn is coated, eat and enjoy!


Check out this recipe for the vegan Parmesan.
Parmesan+Herb Popcorn

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